Beer Quality
Control Tests
Choose from the following packages and individual tests to provide additional support to your own quality control testing.

Beer Testing Packages
We’ve bundled some of our most popular test combinations and applied discounts to make quality control testing more approachable. Individual tests can be added to any package that is close but not quite what you want.
Don’t forget! We also offer on-site dissolved oxygen testing. Elongate your products’ shelf life by ensuring there is minimal DO pick-up during packaging. Oxygen is quick to bind, so it must be tested right off the line.
Orders can be placed by emailing
New Brand
- Includes: ABV, Calories, Carbohydrates, Color, IBU, Protein, Real Extract, and Real Degree of Fermentation.
- Requires: 355 mL (12 oz)
- $159.75 (25% discount)
Finished Beer
- Includes: ABV, Calories, Carbohydrates, and Protein.
- Requires: 355 mL (12 oz)
- $102.60 (10% discount)
Spoiler Check
- Includes: Hop Resistant Lactobacillus and Pediococcus, Diastaticus, and Microbial Contamination.
- Requires: 355 mL (12 oz)
- $142.50 (5% discount)
Water Panel
- Includes: Bicarbonate, Calcium, Carbonate, Chloride, Iron, Magnesium, Nitrate, pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfate, Total Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids (est.), Total Hardness (lime)
- Requires: 355 mL (12 oz)
- $85

Individual Beer Tests
Orders can be placed by emailing
The all-important Alcohol by Volume and Alcohol by Weight! TTB required! Don’t rely on a calculation when you have to be accurate within 0.30% v/v. Get it right the first time so when the TTB or ABC audits you, you can say, ‘Look! Imbibe checked and we are dead on!’
- Requires: 50 mL
- $31
*ABVs requiring distillation need 200 mL and will be charged an additional $20
Something none of us actually want to know but chain stores (>20 stores) are now required to display this information. *sigh*
- Requires: 50 mL
- $21
The main macro nutrient present in beer.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $31
Carbohydrates (if PVPP was used)
Measures carbohydrates when PVPP was used during production; extra tests are required to accommodate for the use of PVPP.
- Requires: 200 mL
- $46
Carbon Dioxide
Carbonation is the final touch that gives a product a bit of acidity and a lot of mouthfeel. Improperly balanced and the product may be lacking or unpleasant.
- Requires: 3 cans or bottles
- On-site testing available
- $36
For those who really want to be consistent in the appearance of their products. Or if you are entering in GABF or WBC and want to make sure you fall within style guidelines.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $16
How do your hydrometers compare to a fancy density meter? Why not double check and make sure they aren’t drifting? Data can also be provided as Specific Gravity or Real Extract.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $21
Disolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen has the biggest impact on product age and shelf stability. The less there is at packaging, the longer the shelf life will be.
- On-site testing only
Diastaticus (via PCR)
Diastaticus is a variation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is able to convert starches into CO2 and alcohol. It is occasionally used as a saison yeast but is usually considered a contaminate. With diastaticus’ ability to consume food sources other yeast variations cannot, it tends to stick around longer, leading to over carbonation, over attenuation, and off-flavors (notably medicinal flavors). Due to these characteristics, a contaminated product is at risk of exploding days to months after reaching market.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $50
Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN)
A measure of the amount of assimilable nitrogen in your wort to ensure there is enough to promote yeast growth.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $31
Hop Resistant Lactobacillus and Pediococcus (via PCR)
Some of the worst, most common bugs to infect beer. Let’s make sure they aren’t present.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $50
Internationally recognized measurement to judge bitterness in beer.
Requires: 50 mL
Microbial Contamination
A general check for yeast, bacteria, and mold that shouldn’t be there.
- Requires: 355 mL (12 oz)
- $50
You can’t argue with free! While hopefully you have a pH probe to measure the wort/beer throughout your process, it is always good to double check its accuracy. If you don’t have a pH probe…well, you should get one; it will help your brew, fermentation, and product consistency immensely.
- Requires: 50 mL (may be combined with 50 mL used for another test)
A macro nutrient whose measurement is required by the FDA as part of any Nutrition Facts label.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $31
Protein with PVPP
Measures protein when PVPP was used during production; extra tests are required to accommodate for the use of PVPP.
Requires: 200 mL
Real Extract
A measure of wort sugar that takes alcohol content into consideration.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $21
Real Degree of Fermentation
A measure of the extent to which wort sugar was converted into alcohol.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $21
Titratable Acidity
A better way to measure perceivable acidity in sours than pH.
- Requires: 50 mL
- $26
Measured as diacetyl, a buttery or butterscotch flavor and aroma created by yeast during fermentation and broken-down during rest or aging. The test converts and measures all precursors so there won’t be any surprises after packaging.
- Requires: 200 mL
- $46
Wild Yeast
Did you intentionally inoculate with wild yeast or is that contamination?
- Requires: 375 mL
- $50
Beer Testing Rate Sheet
See our Terms of Use