
From the Lab Bench – A Blog

Vines, Wines, and Protein Haze

It is spring of 2023 and we have gotten one question a lot recently: Why is my wine so protein unstable this year? Something about the 2022 growing year on…

Pipet vs Pipette: which is which?

“Pipet” or “Pipette”? It’s a question that baffles even the smartest scientists. As we know, precision and accuracy are imperative to science. So at Imbibe Solutions, we were determined to…

malic acid chemical structure with apples

Malic Acid 101

Um, what’s that? I thought we were talking about wine… We are! Malic acid is one of the main acids found in grapes. Together, malic and tartaric acid make up…

Fermenting red wine

Wine Fermentation: The Essentials

If you know a little bit about winemaking, then you know how crucial the fermentation process is for wine production. Simply speaking, fermentation converts the sugar from grapes into alcohol….